How do you clean your pond?

Default - 10 12 2019

Do a manual cleaning

Manual pool cleaning requires the use of several accessories adapted to the size of the pool. Among these accessories are the floating hose, the telescopic handle, the vacuum broom, the brush, the bottom landing net and the surface landing net. The cleaning method is to connect the end of the floating hose with the vacuum cleaner before introducing it into the water. The hose should then be gradually lowered into the pool in a vertical position and then plugged into the broom socket.


a/ The landing net comes into play to remove the rubbish floating on the surface of the water. The hand broom is then used to remove small pieces of debris not held by the net.

b/ The broom can be equipped with its drain valve open in case the bottom of the pool is very dirty.

c/ If the delivery nozzles announce a drop in power, stop the cleaning and backwash the filter and the pump prefilter. When everything is set, you can resume the cleaning session.


° In which configurations should the valves be in during manual cleaning?

  • The filter valve must be in the filter position.
  • the valve of the brush socket must be open at 100%.
  • the skimmer valve and the bottom drain valve must be closed.

° Unclutter the pump's prefilter basket.

Do an automatic cleaning

Those who opt for automatic cleaning can choose between the 3 types of vacuum cleaners and electric robots on offer.


a/ The electric robot. It must be plugged into an electrical outlet to clean the dirt and discharge the treated water via its cartridge or inner bag. This device is independent and uses less energy. It does not require any filtration system to do its work. With this electric cleaner, you can extend the time between cleaning the filter and saving water.

b/ The booster robot. To operate, this type of robot must be connected exclusively to its broom socket and piping via a solid PVC hose. The robot will then proceed with cleaning by pulse method and by deploying its tentacles. It removes impurities by over-pressurising the water coming out of the filter. It then sucks up the dirt to direct it directly to the bottom drain and then to the skimmers. Very energy consuming, this category of robot cannot function without the booster and the filtration pump. (Which is its main defect)

c/ The robot or hydraulic vacuum cleaner. This category of robot works with the filtration pump and must be connected on the brush socket, or in the skimmer. It sucks up impurities properly to direct them to the filter. Less expensive than the previous models, this type of robot however shows a certain weakness by quickly dirtying the filter, thus causing high water consumption.

° This type of cleaning must be accompanied by regular washing and cleaning of the water line, skimmer baskets and pump prefilter basket.

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