The ANTARTIK sand filter is made from a laminated polyester tank, reinforced with glass fibers by the manufacturer. C-piscine.com offers you the ANTARTIK filter for exceptional price due to large direct-purchase volumes from the manufacturer.
The ANTARTIK sand filter is made from a laminated polyester tank, reinforced with glass fibers by the manufacturer. C-piscine.com offers you the ANTARTIK filter for exceptional price due to large direct-purchase volumes from the manufacturer.
The ANTARTIK sand filter comes from the international group KRIPSOL, famous Spanish manufacturer since 1987, it's managed by Hayward, the American group of companies, the world's leader in equipment for private swimming pools. The tank is made of glass fiber reinforced polyester by industrial process. The ANTARTIK polyester filter is very robust which allows the manufacturer KRIPSOL to give 10-years warranty.
*5-years full warranty service, 5-years declining warranty